Daniel K. Schneider has been working in educational technology since 1988 and participated in various innovative pedagogical and technological projects.
Until his retirement in July 2020, he was an associate professor at TECFA, a research and teaching unit in the faculty of psychology and education, University of Geneva.Within TECFA’s “blended” master program in educational technology (MALTT), he taught educational information & communication systems (e.g. introduction to programming and e-learning technology), digital design and fabrication, foundations of educational technology, and research methodology. He also was the director of Certificate of Advanced Studies conception et développement de projets-elearning.
His research and development interests focused on designing modular, flexible, and open techno-pedagogical environments to support rich and effective learning experiences. He has also been interested in intelligent tutoring systems, initial vocational training, student follow-up, teaching digital skills, learning in citizen science, social science methods teaching, teaching biology, and informal learning in developing countries.